The Uncle Sam sorting hat traded me today to the Stars team.
I’m not going to fib or put on airs, I was a bit disappointed at first…at
first. This week, I’ve formed some bonds with my Stripes teammates, and it was
a little blow to my emotional self to have to switch teams. However, in the
grand scheme of USA Rugby, we are all teammates, and it didn’t take long for my
emotional self to embrace the change. Actually, I like that I will get to play
with the Stars. I’ll get to see how well I play with some other players and
hopefully help the Stars avenge the last two games. Wouldn’t it be awesome to
be one of like three players (two others were traded as well) to go 3-0 for the

The day is winding down now. I’m still on the Stripes side
of the dorm and they’re preparing for the match by watching Top Gun and Dirty
Dancing (side note: Nugget and I did the Dirty Dancing lift earlier this
morning). Nobody puts Baby in the corner.
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