So, I have to talk about the craziness that is Denver International Airport. First, and most obvious, it’s a freaking airport. It’s going to be loaded to the tooth with random crazies, the really anxious, the spatially unaware, the hurriers, the hurriers who don’t have to hurry, the inconsiderate, the spatially unaware inconsiderate with large baggage, etc. However, what separates Denver from any airport in which I’ve ever had the chance to alight is its artwork—from the 32-foot blue, demonic, emaciated, creepy horse statue, dubbed Bluecifer by some of its fans/frenemies and “that scary fucking horse zombie” by me, to the crazy, Nazi, all-the-colors-of-the-world murals near the baggage claim areas. I don’t have that much time to go into them all right now (and by that I mean I don’t have much time until my eyes uncontrollably close and I drift into dreamland), so if you have time, google Bluecifer. If you guys are skeptical about its demonic roots, just know that it killed its maker—the flesh-eating head of ole Crazy Eyes fell and severed an artery in the guys leg.
I’ll post pictures of some of the artwork tomorrow, but right now, I’d like to touch on camp before I hit the sack. First, the sad news. My fellow MARFU teammate, Eli White, and I are, for the first time not bed buddies. Every event in which Eli and I have competed, we have shared a room, and I have gotten closer to Grover than any other stuffed animal since that big lion I had in my youth. The good news is that we’re both on the same team—the white team—and it is a kick-ass squad.
After getting all settled in the dorms (we’re staying at UNC…not the baby blue one, the North Colorado one), we had a meeting (go figure), followed by a team meeting, and then practice…followed by another team meeting. The consensus from the white team—the Great Whites—is that we all did a pretty darned good job of adapting to one another’s play and to the system today (as well as the altitude).
Tomorrow we play the blue team, who also has a good squad. We’ll see if good is good enough to trump kick-ass. I don’t think it will be, and if I were a betting woman (actually I am, but only on horses…just not Bluecifer), I’d put my money on white. Ok, I’ve written just about as much as I can without passing out. Goodnight Denver Moon. Goodnight zombie horse. Goodnight rugby world.
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