It’s been about two and a half months since I’ve played rugby competitively. I feel antsy about that. I have this pervading itch to rail someone. It’s under my skin and suffuses through my blood. My competitive yens and means to satisfy them are out of equipoise.
We (James River) play Longwood (a college side) tomorrow. Thank god, God, Allah, Jehovah, Madonna (the singer and the virgin), and whoever else you may worship. I need my rugby fix. I need the adrenaline high, the surge of energy you get when you see a gap in the defense, the rush of blood to your head when you make a bone-popping hit. I’m playing flanker, so I’ll probably have a great deal of those hits. I can’t wait.
Though we’re playing a younger, less experienced college side, I’m anxious to see how and where my Eagle 365 lifestyle has paid off. I feel like 87 million bucks and I can’t wait to put that feeling to use on the pitch.
I’ve been digging our new Eagle 365 workouts and am almost done with the cycle. Though I missed the Eagle training weekend, last month, because I was celebrating my mother’s birthday with her, I am looking forward to making a few this spring and summer. I heard that there was some fitness testing at the last one, and I am super excited about that (<-- that’s sarcasm).
I don’t know what it is about the words “fitness testing” that make an athlete cringe (and don’t trust any athlete who tells you that they enjoy fitness testing). I think maybe it’s the association of the word “fitness” to all of that stuff that we’d rather not do (the conditioning, preparation, drill work, etc), but do because we love our sport and we love it even more when we get better, coupled with the anxiety that comes with the word “testing,” the feeling of being weighed and measured. The truth is fitness testing isn’t so bad, and it isn’t anything to which any serious athlete isn’t already accustomed.
Anyway, I’ve digressed, though I don’t think digression is possible when there’s no real point being made. I’m just excited about playing rugby this weekend and thought I’d share. Keep the Longwood ladies in your prayers, meditations, chants, etc…I plan on railing a few tomorrow.